Additional On-Line Curricula for Teaching Labor in the Schools
Teaching About Labor
The Saint Paul Regional Labor Federation developed "Teaching About Labor: An Elementary and Secondary Curriculum," in coordination with Saint Paul Federation of Teachers Local 28 in 2006. This down-loadable secondary curriculum includes a unit on having a coice in the workplace, wages, labor laws and workers’ rights.
California Labor in the Schools Committee.
Wide array of curricula, projects, publications and resources.
American Conflict in Print: A Literary View of Class Struggle
A five-week unit designed to help students gain an understanding of how literature reflects struggles among people of diverse class, race and ethnic backgrounds.
Youth, Unions & You: A Secondary Teacher’s Guide to Labour Studies for British Columbia Schools.
An extensive online guide with numerous lesson plans and supplementary materials.
Teaching with Documents: Photographs of Lewis Hine: Documentation of Child Labor.
An array of images, correlating standards and teaching activities.
Workers & Work in America. College Course Syllabus (Prof. Gerald Zahavi).
An extensive collection of online resources and links.
A Curriculum of United States Labor History for Teachers
A high school curriculum focused on U.S. (especially Illinois) labor history, developed by James D. Brown, Jr. for the Illinois Labor History Society.
New Hampshire Mill Girls and the Ten Hour Struggle: Labor History Curriculum with Historical and Contemporary Readings.
Outline of the New Hampshire AFL-CIO School-to-Work Labor Outreach Program. Prepared by Judy Elliot.
Labor Studies in the Curriculum.
ERIC DIgest (1989) by Evelyn R. Holt on incorporating labor studies in the classroom.
Collective Bargaining Education Project
Extensive program created by the United Teachers of Los Angeles.
Viva La Causa
Teaching Tolerance's video and teacher's guide (with standards-based lesson plans) around the grape strike and boycott of the 1960s.
Teaching a People's History: Zinn Education Project/ Labor Page
Extensive collection of activities, resoures and curricula related to Howard Zinn's People's History of the United States.
Samuel Gompers Papers Project: Creating a Right to Childhood: Child Labor and Social Reform
Includes information about children on strike, classroom activities, a time line and photos.