San Francisco General Strike
- Extensive collection of photos from the San Francisco General Strike.
- Comprehensive site with history, multimedia exhibits, documents and other resources on the San Francisco General Strike.
- Waterfront Workers History project, includes online films, oral history interviews and slideshows.
- Links, a bibliography, and sheet music to the 1937 song ‘Frisco Strike Saga’.
- The Virtual Museum of the City of San Francisco’s site about the strike. Features the San Francisco News’ coverage from the first day of the rioting.
- From the September 1934 edition of Survey Graphic Magazine.
- Photos of the San Franscisco General Strike.
- Video filmed at the 75th anniversary commemoration of the San Francisco General Strike and "Bloody Thursday."
- The Big Strike : A Journalist Describes the 1934 San Francisco Strike (Mike Quin’s original reporting from 1934)
Toledo Auto Lite Strike of 1934
- Information about the WBGU (PBS) documentary made about the Toledo strike and a link to order the video.
- Information about the book, Not Automatic : Women and the Left in Forging the Auto Workers’ Union (contains a chapter on the Auto Lite strike)
- Video that includes original footage of the National Guard fighting with strikers in Toledo.
- While wikipedia pages are not generally recommended to students, this page is useful for its bibliographic records, including reference to I Remember Like Today : The Auto-Lite Strike of 1934 by Philip A. Korth and Margaret Beagle, Michigan State University Press: East Lansing, MI, 1988. Like Korth’s book about the Minneapolis strikes, this volume contains first person interviews with people who were active in the strike.
1934 Textile Strikes
- PBS information about the film, "Uprising of '34" about the 1934 textile strikes in the South.
- Program Guide for the film "Uprising of '34"
- PDF Lesson Plan on the strike, designed to accompany The "Uprising of '34" film.
- ERIC record for the lesson plan "Using the Uprising of ’34" to Link the Classroom to the Community.
- North Carolina History Project’s information on the 1934 Textile Strikes
- Treated Like Slaves : Textile Workers Write to Washington in the 1930s and 1940s. Full text of letters.